About ERA Europe

QR Code - What is it?

What is QR code or 2D code?

The flash code, commonly called 2D Barcode, is a small square that contains the encrypted information to an address of a mobile Internet site. To access this site via his or her mobile phone, the user must have installed the reader application on their phone. When they use their mobile to take a photo of the barcode, it automatically redirects the user to the mobile site encrypted in the flash code.

What makes flashcode or 2D code interactive?

Rather than typing the address of a website on the keypad of a mobile phone or even a PDA, which is impractical, the user photographs the 2D code using a software package that can download and find this site. Thus, users are easily connected to the Internet and can access the site that interests them. (QR code or 2D code is actually a shortcut to connect to a mobile site with 1-click without having to type the address).

In addition to the address of a mobile site, these codes can contain other useful information (e.g., message, address, telephone number, card, number SMS, SMS +).